# ⁻*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # (c) 2015 Valentin Samir """Some util function for the app""" from .default_settings import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse from django.contrib import messages import random import string import json import BaseHTTPServer from threading import Thread from importlib import import_module try: from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qsl from urllib import urlencode except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qsl, urlencode def context(params): params["settings"] = settings return params def JsonResponse(request, data): data["messages"] = [] for msg in messages.get_messages(request): data["messages"].append({'message': msg.message, 'level': msg.level_tag}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json") def import_attr(path): """transform a python module.attr path to the attr""" if not isinstance(path, str): return path if "." not in path: ValueError("%r should be of the form `module.attr` and we just got `attr`" % path) module, attr = path.rsplit('.', 1) try: return getattr(import_module(module), attr) except ImportError: raise ImportError("Module %r not found" % module) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("Module %r has not attribut %r" % (module, attr)) def redirect_params(url_name, params=None): """Redirect to `url_name` with `params` as querystring""" url = reverse(url_name) params = urlencode(params if params else {}) return HttpResponseRedirect(url + "?%s" % params) def reverse_params(url_name, params=None, **kwargs): url = reverse(url_name, **kwargs) params = urlencode(params if params else {}) return url + "?%s" % params def update_url(url, params): """update params in the `url` query string""" if not isinstance(url, bytes): url = url.encode('utf-8') for key, value in list(params.items()): if not isinstance(key, bytes): del params[key] key = key.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.encode('utf-8') params[key] = value url_parts = list(urlparse(url)) query = dict(parse_qsl(url_parts[4])) query.update(params) url_parts[4] = urlencode(query) for i in range(len(url_parts)): if not isinstance(url_parts[i], bytes): url_parts[i] = url_parts[i].encode('utf-8') return urlunparse(url_parts).decode('utf-8') def unpack_nested_exception(error): """If exception are stacked, return the first one""" i = 0 while True: if error.args[i:]: if isinstance(error.args[i], Exception): error = error.args[i] i = 0 else: i += 1 else: break return error def _gen_ticket(prefix, lg=settings.CAS_TICKET_LEN): """Generate a ticket with prefix `prefix`""" return '%s-%s' % ( prefix, ''.join( random.choice( string.ascii_letters + string.digits ) for _ in range(lg - len(prefix) - 1) ) ) def gen_lt(): """Generate a Service Ticket""" return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_LOGIN_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_LT_LEN) def gen_st(): """Generate a Service Ticket""" return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_SERVICE_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_ST_LEN) def gen_pt(): """Generate a Proxy Ticket""" return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PT_LEN) def gen_pgt(): """Generate a Proxy Granting Ticket""" return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PGT_LEN) def gen_pgtiou(): """Generate a Proxy Granting Ticket IOU""" return _gen_ticket(settings.CAS_PROXY_GRANTING_TICKET_IOU_PREFIX, settings.CAS_PGTIOU_LEN) def gen_saml_id(): """Generate an saml id""" return _gen_ticket('_') class PGTUrlHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): PARAMS = {} def do_GET(s): s.send_response(200) s.send_header("Content-type", "text/plain") s.end_headers() s.wfile.write("ok") url = urlparse(s.path) params = dict(parse_qsl(url.query)) PGTUrlHandler.PARAMS.update(params) s.wfile.write("%s" % params) def log_message(self, format, *args): return @staticmethod def run(): server_class = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer httpd = server_class(("", 0), PGTUrlHandler) (host, port) = httpd.socket.getsockname() def lauch(): httpd.handle_request() httpd.server_close() httpd_thread = Thread(target=lauch) httpd_thread.daemon = True httpd_thread.start() return (httpd_thread, host, port)