272 lines
8.9 KiB
272 lines
8.9 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2005 by Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification (LSV),
* UMR 8643 CNRS & ENS Cachan.
* Written by Jean Goubault-Larrecq. Not derived from licensed software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
* subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the author nor its employer is responsible for the consequences
* of use of this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
* from defects in it.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
* by explicit claim or by omission.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
* be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This software is restricted to non-commercial use only. Commercial
* use is subject to a specific license, obtainable from LSV.
open Error
(* Les opérations unaires:
M_MINUS: calcule l'opposé -e de e;
M_NOT: calcule la négation logique ~e de e;
M_POST_INC: post-incrémentation e++;
M_POST_DEC: post-décrémentation e--;
M_PRE_INC: pré-incrémentation ++e;
M_PRE_DEC: pré-décrémentation --e.
type bin_op = S_MUL | S_DIV | S_MOD | S_ADD | S_SUB | S_INDEX
(* Les opérations binaires:
S_MUL: multiplication entière;
S_DIV: division entière (quotient);
S_MOD: division entière (reste);
S_ADD: addition entière;
S_SUB: soustraction entière;
S_INDEX: accès à un élément de tableau a[i].
type cmp_op = C_LT | C_LE | C_EQ
(* Les opérations de comparaison:
C_LT (less than): <;
C_LE (less than or equal to): <=;
C_EQ (equal): ==.
type loc_expr = locator * expr
and expr = VAR of string (* une variable --- toujours de type int. *)
| CST of int (* une constante entiere. *)
| STRING of string (* une constante chaine. *)
| SET_VAR of string * loc_expr (* affectation x=e. *)
| SET_ARRAY of string * loc_expr * loc_expr (* affectation x[e]=e'. *)
| CALL of string * loc_expr list (* appel de fonction f(e1,...,en) *)
(* operations arithmetiques: *)
| OP1 of mon_op * loc_expr (* OP1(mop, e) dénote -e, ~e, e++, e--, ++e, ou --e. *)
| OP2 of bin_op * loc_expr * loc_expr (* OP2(bop,e,e') dénote e*e', e/e', e%e',
e+e', e-e', ou e[e']. *)
| CMP of cmp_op * loc_expr * loc_expr (* CMP(cop,e,e') vaut e<e', e<=e', ou e==e' *)
| EIF of loc_expr * loc_expr * loc_expr (* EIF(e1,e2,e3) est e1?e2:e3 *)
| ESEQ of loc_expr list (* e1, ..., en [sequence, analogue a e1;e2 au niveau code];
si n=0, represente skip. *)
type var_declaration =
CDECL of locator * string (* declaration de variable de type int. *)
| CFUN of locator * string * var_declaration list * loc_code
(* fonction avec ses arguments, et son code. *)
and loc_code = locator * code
and code =
CBLOCK of var_declaration list * loc_code list (* { declarations; code; } *)
| CEXPR of loc_expr (* une expression e; vue comme instruction. *)
| CIF of loc_expr * loc_code * loc_code (* if (e) c1; else c2; *)
| CWHILE of loc_expr * loc_code (* while (e) c1; *)
| CRETURN of loc_expr option (* return; ou return (e); *)
let cline = ref 1
let ccol = ref 0
let oldcline = ref 1
let oldccol = ref 0
let cfile = ref ""
let getloc () = (!cfile, !oldcline, !oldccol, !cline, !ccol)
let loc_of_expr (loc, _) = loc
let e_of_expr (_, e) = e
let index_prec = 15 (* a[i] *)
let ptr_prec = 15 (* a->f *)
let dot_prec = 15 (* a.f *)
let bang_prec = 14 (* !a *)
let tilde_prec = 14 (* ~a *)
let incdec_prec = 14 (* ++a, a++, --a, a-- *)
let cast_prec = 14 (* (T)a *)
let sizeof_prec = 14 (* sizeof T *)
let uplus_prec = 14 (* +a *)
let uminus_prec = 14 (* -a *)
let star_prec = 14 (* *a *)
let amper_prec = 14 (* &a *)
let mul_prec = 13 (* a*b *)
let div_prec = 13 (* a/b *)
let mod_prec = 13 (* a%b *)
let add_prec = 12 (* a+b *)
let sub_prec = 12 (* a-b *)
let shift_prec = 11 (* a<<b, a>>b *)
let cmp_prec = 10 (* a<b, a<=b, a>b, a>=b *)
let eq_prec = 9 (* a==b, a!=b *)
let binand_prec = 8 (* a & b *)
let binxor_prec = 7 (* a ^ b *)
let binor_prec = 6 (* a | b *)
let and_prec = 5 (* a && b *)
let or_prec = 4 (* a || b *)
let if_prec = 3 (* a?b:c *)
let setop_prec = 2 (* a += b, a *= b, ... *)
let comma_prec = 1 (* a, b *)
let bufout_delim buf pri newpri s =
if newpri<pri
then Buffer.add_string buf s
else ()
let bufout_open buf pri newpri = bufout_delim buf pri newpri "("
let bufout_close buf pri newpri = bufout_delim buf pri newpri ")"
let setop_text setop =
match setop with
S_MUL -> "*="
| S_DIV -> "/="
| S_MOD -> "%="
| S_ADD -> "+="
| S_SUB -> "-="
| S_INDEX -> ""
let mop_text mop =
match mop with
M_MINUS -> "-"
| M_NOT -> "~"
| M_POST_INC | M_PRE_INC -> "++"
| M_POST_DEC | M_PRE_DEC -> "--"
let mop_prec mop =
match mop with
M_MINUS -> uminus_prec
| M_NOT -> tilde_prec
| M_POST_INC | M_POST_DEC | M_PRE_INC | M_PRE_DEC -> incdec_prec
let op_text setop =
match setop with
S_MUL -> "*"
| S_DIV -> "/"
| S_MOD -> "%"
| S_ADD -> "+"
| S_SUB -> "-"
| S_INDEX -> "["
let fin_op_text setop =
match setop with
S_MUL -> ""
| S_DIV -> ""
| S_MOD -> ""
| S_ADD -> ""
| S_SUB -> ""
| S_INDEX -> "]"
let op_prec setop =
match setop with
S_MUL -> mul_prec
| S_DIV -> div_prec
| S_MOD -> mod_prec
| S_ADD -> add_prec
| S_SUB -> sub_prec
| S_INDEX -> index_prec
let rec bufout_expr buf pri e =
match e with
VAR s -> Buffer.add_string buf s
| CST n -> Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_int n)
| STRING s ->
Buffer.add_string buf "\"";
Buffer.add_string buf (String.escaped s);
Buffer.add_string buf "\""
| SET_VAR (x, e) -> (bufout_open buf pri setop_prec;
Buffer.add_string buf x;
Buffer.add_string buf "=";
bufout_loc_expr buf setop_prec e;
bufout_close buf pri setop_prec)
| SET_ARRAY (x, e, e') -> (bufout_open buf pri setop_prec;
Buffer.add_string buf x;
Buffer.add_string buf "[";
bufout_loc_expr buf index_prec e;
Buffer.add_string buf "]=";
bufout_loc_expr buf setop_prec e';
bufout_close buf pri setop_prec)
| CALL (f, l) -> (bufout_open buf pri index_prec;
Buffer.add_string buf f;
Buffer.add_string buf "(";
bufout_loc_expr_list buf l;
Buffer.add_string buf ")";
bufout_close buf pri index_prec)
| OP1 (mop, e') ->
let newpri = mop_prec mop in
(bufout_open buf pri newpri;
(match mop with
(Buffer.add_string buf (mop_text mop);
bufout_loc_expr buf newpri e')
| _ ->
(bufout_loc_expr buf newpri e';
Buffer.add_string buf (mop_text mop)));
bufout_close buf pri newpri)
| OP2 (setop, e, e') -> let newpri = op_prec setop in
(bufout_open buf pri newpri;
bufout_loc_expr buf newpri e;
Buffer.add_string buf (op_text setop);
bufout_loc_expr buf newpri e';
Buffer.add_string buf (fin_op_text setop);
bufout_close buf pri newpri)
| CMP (C_LT, e, e') -> (bufout_open buf pri cmp_prec;
bufout_loc_expr buf cmp_prec e;
Buffer.add_string buf "<";
bufout_loc_expr buf cmp_prec e';
bufout_close buf pri cmp_prec)
| CMP (C_LE, e, e') -> (bufout_open buf pri cmp_prec;
bufout_loc_expr buf cmp_prec e;
Buffer.add_string buf "<=";
bufout_loc_expr buf cmp_prec e';
bufout_close buf pri cmp_prec)
| CMP (C_EQ, e, e') -> (bufout_open buf pri eq_prec;
bufout_loc_expr buf eq_prec e;
Buffer.add_string buf "==";
bufout_loc_expr buf eq_prec e';
bufout_close buf pri eq_prec)
| EIF (eb, et, ee) -> (bufout_open buf pri if_prec;
bufout_loc_expr buf if_prec eb;
Buffer.add_string buf "?";
bufout_loc_expr buf if_prec et;
Buffer.add_string buf ":";
bufout_loc_expr buf if_prec ee;
bufout_close buf pri if_prec)
| ESEQ (e::l) -> (bufout_open buf pri comma_prec;
bufout_loc_expr buf comma_prec e;
List.iter (fun e' -> (Buffer.add_string buf ",";
bufout_loc_expr buf comma_prec e')) l;
bufout_close buf pri comma_prec)
| ESEQ [] -> ()
and bufout_loc_expr buf pri (_, e) =
bufout_expr buf pri e
and bufout_loc_expr_list buf l =
match l with
[] -> ()
| [a] -> bufout_loc_expr buf comma_prec a
| a::l' -> (bufout_loc_expr buf comma_prec a;
Buffer.add_string buf ",";
bufout_loc_expr_list buf l')
let rec string_of_expr e =
let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
bufout_loc_expr buf comma_prec e;
Buffer.contents buf
let rec string_of_loc_expr e =
let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
bufout_expr buf comma_prec e;
Buffer.contents buf