Draw graphs

This commit is contained in:
Yohann D'ANELLO 2021-10-29 20:15:14 +02:00
parent f438ae6c79
commit eb754a30e5
Signed by: ynerant
GPG Key ID: 3A75C55819C8CF85
2 changed files with 97 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import unicodedata
import sys
from typing import Optional
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
SHINGLE_SIZE = 5 # Known as k
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ def parse_args(argv: dict = None) -> argparse.Namespace:
# which is the most expensive state.
parser.add_argument('--progress', '-p', '--tqdm', action='store_true',
help='Display progress bar while calculating signature matrix.')
parser.add_argument('--graph', '-g', action='store_true', help="Draw graphs.")
return parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ def compute_signature_matrix(shingles: np.ndarray, permutations_count: int, disp
if display_tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
permutations_iterator = tqdm(permutations_iterator, unit="perm.")
permutations_iterator = tqdm(permutations_iterator, unit="perm.", position=1)
except ImportError:
print("tqdm is not installed. Please install tqdm before using --tqdm option.")
@ -207,6 +209,19 @@ def find_candidate_pairs(signature: np.ndarray, bands: int, rows: int) -> set[tu
return candidate_pairs
def shingle_set(shingles: np.ndarray, doc_id: int) -> set[int]:
Return the set of all shingle id from a document.
To don't recompute multiple times this, this is cached.
if not hasattr(shingle_set, '_cache'):
shingle_set._cache = {}
if doc_id not in shingle_set._cache:
shingle_set._cache[doc_id] = set(x for x in range(len(shingles)) if shingles[x, doc_id])
return shingle_set._cache[doc_id]
def jaccard_similarity(doc1: set, doc2: set) -> float:
Compute jaccard similarity of two sets.
@ -220,7 +235,7 @@ def jaccard_similarity(doc1: set, doc2: set) -> float:
return len(inter) / len(union)
def parse(stream, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False, display_tqdm: bool = False) \
def parse(stream, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False, display_tqdm: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) \
-> Optional[tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
Given a stream of documents (separated by line feeds) and a similarity threshold,
@ -234,7 +249,11 @@ def parse(stream, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False, display_tqdm: bool
# Compute k-shingles
shingles = compute_shingles(docs, SHINGLE_SIZE)
return parse_shingles(docs, shingles, similarity, stats=stats, display_tqdm=display_tqdm, verbose=verbose)
def parse_shingles(docs: list[str], shingles: np.ndarray, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False,
display_tqdm: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) -> Optional[tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
# Compute best values for permutations count
bands, rows = compute_optimal_matrix_size(similarity)
# Compute signature matrix using MinHash
@ -250,13 +269,13 @@ def parse(stream, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False, display_tqdm: bool
fp = 0
# For each document pair, compute true Jaccard similarity and display it
shingles_set = [set(x for x in range(len(shingles)) if shingles[x, doc]) for doc in range(len(docs))]
for doc_a, doc_b in candidate_pairs:
# Compute true jaccard similarity
shingles_a = shingles_set[doc_a]
shingles_b = shingles_set[doc_b]
shingles_a = shingle_set(shingles, doc_a)
shingles_b = shingle_set(shingles, doc_b)
d = jaccard_similarity(shingles_a, shingles_b)
if d >= similarity:
if verbose:
print(f"{doc_a} {doc_b} {d:.06f}")
tp += 1
@ -270,8 +289,8 @@ def parse(stream, similarity: float, *, stats: bool = False, display_tqdm: bool
for doc_a in range(len(docs)):
for doc_b in range(doc_a + 1, len(docs)):
# Compute true jaccard similarity
shingles_a = shingles_set[doc_a]
shingles_b = shingles_set[doc_b]
shingles_a = shingle_set(shingles, doc_a)
shingles_b = shingle_set(shingles, doc_b)
d = jaccard_similarity(shingles_a, shingles_b)
if d >= similarity and (doc_a, doc_b) not in candidate_pairs:
fn += 1
@ -285,6 +304,10 @@ def main():
# Parse arguments from command line
ns = parse_args()
if ns.graph:
# Don't use the program to compute something
return graph(ns.input, ns.progress)
if not (0 < ns.similarity <= 1):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid similiarity value: {ns.similarity}")
@ -302,3 +325,66 @@ def main():
fp_rate = fp / (fp + tn)
print(f"True positive rate: {tp_rate:.06f}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"False positive rate: {fp_rate:.06f}", file=sys.stderr)
def graph(stream, display_tqdm: bool = False) -> None:
Draw statistic graphs about false-positive and true positive rates using matplotlib.
docs = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in stream] # Read stream
docs = [normalize(doc) for doc in docs] # Remove special characters and normalize accents
# Compute k-shingles
shingles = compute_shingles(docs, SHINGLE_SIZE)
step = 0.05
n = int(1 // step)
tps, fps, tns, fns = [], [], [], []
step_iterator = range(1, n + 1)
if display_tqdm:
from tqdm import tqdm
step_iterator = tqdm(step_iterator, position=1)
for i in step_iterator:
t = i * step
tp, fp, tn, fn = parse_shingles(docs, shingles, t, stats=True, display_tqdm=display_tqdm, verbose=False)
tps = np.array(tps)
fps = np.array(fps)
tns = np.array(tns)
fns = np.array(fns)
tps_rate = tps / (tps + fns)
fps_rate = fps / (fps + tns)
print("tps = np.array(", tps, ")")
print("fps = np.array(", fps, ")")
print("tns = np.array(", tns, ")")
print("fns = np.array(", fns, ")")
x_axis = step * np.array(range(1, n + 1))
plt.plot(x_axis, tps_rate, '*')
plt.xlabel("Threshold value")
plt.ylabel("True positive rate")
plt.title("True positive rate per threshold value")
plt.plot(x_axis, fps_rate, '*')
plt.xlabel("Threshold value")
plt.ylabel("False positive rate")
plt.title("False positive rate per threshold value")
plt.plot(x_axis, np.log(fps_rate), '*')
plt.xlabel("Threshold value")
plt.ylabel("False positive rate (log scale)")
plt.title("False positive rate per threshold value (logarithmic scale)")

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@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ classifiers =
packages = find:
include_package_data = True
python_requires = >=3.6
install_requires =
console_scripts =